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Libra New Moon Eclipse & the Beauty Way.

boho young woman staring into the camera

The liminal worlds, where the edges are blurred, the chasm between the worlds' frequencies is vast.

Where we as a people, are at the precipice, the tipping point of what was & what will be. Everyone's perception of such could vary dramatically.

The potential of what kind of world we could curate is lingering in the either of possibilities & potentialities, while our 3d reality of the world as we have known it is breaking away, breaking open & the deep cracks are showing.

And the box is open.

Pandora's box has been opened, as Pluto, the God of the underworld, opposing Pandora, is completing his last charge in Capricorn, readying himself to move forward again & leave Capricorn for the last lime, FINALLY, never again in this lifetime will he return. Cappy dominant people can finally take a breath.

Pandora's box, here all is being revealed, being seen & all that scares the shit out of you! 

What we've been told is that 'She' released all the evils, ills & plagues into the world... however there is a bigger story & there always has been, but most of humanity only ever looked at the surface level & didn't dive deeper into the story... or we just weren't ready for it.

🌹 We are so ready for it now!

The Libra New Moon & the Eclipse is about coming back into right relationship with self, first & foremost. As if we are out of alignment, disembodied, disregulated, then the likelihood is your perception of the world is discombobulated & distorted, therefore feeding into the lower octave energy. Scales are way out of balance.

This New Moon is Mars heavy, as he's hanging out in Cancer the emotional current, add fire to the water and steam can burn you in a big way.

And Mars is talking to Chiron, in Aries, bringing the steam to your wounding around identity. The 'What about me?' 'Woe is me', 'I could never', 'This is my lot in life' moments, especially when it come to relationships, especially with yourself, as well as others. And Chiron is being amped up by Jupiter, aka Zeus, the hype guy.

And there is A LOT going on in the cosmos above, the world around & the world within. Let's be honest 'A LOT' has been in play since 2018 & it's only going to intensify over the next couple of years.

Libra is BIG New Moon energy, all about RELATIONSHIPS, Masculine & Feminine & coming back into right relationship & equilibrium, so you can walk the beauty way.

Before you look outside of yourself, projection, judgement, expectation, go within instead. Libra being an air sign, love to mentally process & Mercury is in the mix, so our self talk, inner dialogue.

🔥 How did I participate?

🔥 How did I enable?

🔥 When did I lower my level of tolerance?

🔥 What were the stories I told myself?

🔥 What are my limiting beliefs?

Simply put

🔥 Pluto, God of the Underworld, dredging up the last vestiges of crap

🔥 Chiron, the Wounded Healer, festy bits about our identity

🔥 Mars, the God of War, boiling the shit out of our emotions.

🔥 Jupiter, Zeus the hype guy & the player.

🔥 And there was Pandora in there somewhere

Isn't Libra supposed to be all peaceful & about beauty... WTF.

The lower octave world of chaos, on the brink of war, housing crisis, greed & corruption, manipulation & destruction screaming loudly.

And this is where the eclipse comes into play. Eclipse energy can be a huge catalyst of change, the AHA moment, I didn't know but now I do, and this can play out for 6months, especially for those who have strong Libra placements, or cardinal signs, Capricorn, Aries & Cancer.

South Node eclipse, is about releasing outdated patterns & behaviour, all the things that have kept you playing small, believing that you are not worthy... all the things.

When it is in Libra, this is relationships, justice, fairness & equality.

Now this is the part where we have a choice, we can believe Pandora released all evils, the patriarchal system will always power over, it's just the way it is...

OR we look for the Feminine Flow, the Feminine Way, the Sacred Wayshowers, they are there waiting for us.

Standing with Pluto at the gateway into the Aquarian way is Mirium, the Sacred Feminine Frequency, which is the reclamation of Mary Magdelene. The Beauty Way. We have been in deep devotion to this Mirium frequency & the reclamation of Mary Magdalene through Wild Woman Weekend & also our Kundalini Immersion over the moon cycle. And 'There she is again' at the gateway, as the Wayshower for humanity. Seriously, you can't make this shit up!

Black Moon Lilith, the Wild Woman Archetype, she is all the way in this Eclipse. Reclamation of the feminine empowerment. Fierce, with a wealth of lived experience earned through her journeys through the shadowlands, as well as the perception of the 'Garden of Eden'.

Back to Pandora, in Greek Mythology, the first Woman, the Mother of mortal Women, created by the Gods, as a Femm Fatal, beautiful evil. Alluring, yet dangerous, Pandora represents a vestige of the ancient goddess culture threatening the emergent patriarch. We know the story she released evils on the world. If we just go back a few pages in history, to discover herstory, Pandora was created by the command of Zeus, as a weapon to punish mankind for using the fire stolen by Prometheus, as understanding the alchemical power of fire would close the gap between The Gods & humans. Of course, Pandora's seduction & allure of Epimetheus meant the box was opened.

As Greek literature was prominent as was the Jewish writing of Eve, therefore becoming the feminine patriarchal scapegoats for humanity, aligning feminine power with evil.

The Story was echoed further through time with Mary Magdelene, the consort of Jesuah, his wife & beloved. A woman with a wealth of knowledge & wisdom attained through the mystery schools of Isis, and her lived experience alongside her beloved, was outcast, vilified & bastardised by the church.

🌹 This is the part where we









This is where our 'Intelligence bodies' come online within us. Pysche intelligence, Intuitive Intelligence, and Emotional intelligence.

This is the Reframing, Recoding, Rewiring, & the Reclamation of the feminine.

🌹 Pandora, holds HOPE at the bottom of the box, on a psychological level hope is the mechanism that breathes life into the soul after it has been bruised and deflated.

🌹 Lilith is the reclamation of the Sovereign Sacred feminine.

🌹 Mirium is the frequency recalibration of Mary Magdalene.

When we REFRAME our perception EVERYTHING SHIFTS, this is the glimpse into the liminal world.

When the Feminine show up they SHOW UP.

🌹 Juno the Goddess of Sacred Commitment, she is there for this New Moon & Eclipse.

🌹 And Venus, the only feminine energy within the traditional Western astrological foundation, is the ruler of Libra. Venus is in a beautiful trine with Mars in Cancer, reframed to focus towards the Moon & our emotional body, Saturn, taking sacred responsibility within the liminal realms, spirituality & the subconscious, and herself in Scorpio, the Underworld, strategically seeking the beauty way within the depths & shadows realms of life.

This is when the Higher Octave frequency shifts & the higher vibrational world begins to become tangible.

It is not about bypassing in any way, it is about finding the beauty way within.

This is the sacred devotional journey into right relationship with yourself, this is needed to come into right relationship with others.

Reclaiming of the Scared Feminine & Sacred Masculine, in conscious unity.

When we do, we embody all that it is to be Feminine, to be Sacred, to be the Wayshower of our lives.

🌹 We are the ancestors of tomorrow, there will be stories written & songs sung.

🌹 How do you want your story told?

🌹 Your Song sung?

✨ Cosmic Blessings from Ubud, Bali.

✨ Larissa O'Neill


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